Introduction, Application Pathways and General Information

The CBGC reserves the right to alter these policies as necessary for future cycles of the examination. Please read this information carefully. The specific application forms are contained in individual documents and are posted on the CBGC website. The forms specific to the exam year must be completed. 

Application Pathways

A candidate can certify through the pathway that applies to their situation. Applicants applying through pathways A, B and C must submit their first application within 5 years of graduation. Any candidate who fails to achieve certification during their 5 year eligibility may re-apply. A new logbook may be required.

Pathway A

Candidates who are graduates of a Masters program in Genetic Counselling accredited by an ACGC accredited program

Pathway B

Candidates who are graduates of a Masters program in Genetic Counselling, at an international university that is not ACGC accredited

Pathway C (Pre-approved Canadian Programs)

Candidates who are graduates of a Masters program in Genetic Counselling at a Canadian university that is not ACGC accredited but has CBGC pre-approval status

Pathway D

Candidates who are graduates of a Masters program in Genetic Counselling at an international university and have a current certification either from the ABGC, GCRB or HGSA. Other international certifications may be considered.


Candidates who were unsuccessful or deferred in the last exam cycle and are applying to re-write the exam.

Recertification by examination

Canadian certified counsellors who choose to recertify by writing the examination (See Recertification Protocol).

Candidates are responsible for completing the correct application forms in order to be considered. The application form and documents can be submitted in English or French. The deadline to submit an application is posted on the CBGC website.

General Information

The CBGC Certification Examination is a computer-based exam hosted and proctored by Yardstick Inc. Both English and French versions of the examination will be available on a single platform and candidates will have the ability to toggle between both languages. It is recommended that candidates plan to write in a single language. Moving between the two languages does take additional time and candidates choosing to do so should plan accordingly. Extra time will not be granted.

The exam will be three hours in length. There is no scheduled break during this time.


The Canadian Association of Genetic Counsellors (CAGC) Knowledge-Based Competencies are the basis for examination. The Knowledge-Based Competencies document is available on the CAGC website. A predetermined percentage of examination questions representing factual knowledge and information interpretation within each of the areas in the Knowledge-Based Competencies have been selected. Not all areas will be equally represented but are weighted according to skills required in current genetic counselling practice. Each examination question is linked to a specific domain within the Knowledge-Based Competencies. The examination questions are written from a Canadian perspective and are supported by Canadian practice guidelines and reference whenever possible.

The questions have been designed to test the candidate’s knowledge, as well as the qualities of discrimination, judgment, and reasoning. Descriptions of laboratory situations or problems presented in narrative, tabular, or graphic formats are followed by questions designed to determine the candidate’s knowledge and comprehension of the situation described. Pedigrees and other graphics can be enlarged within the testing platform by clicking on the image.


The certification examination consists of approximately 150 multiple-choice questions. Each answer is worth one point. Scores will be based on the number of correct answers. There is no penalty for wrong answers. Unanswered questions will be treated as incorrect.

Passing Score

The goal of the examination ​is the certification of genetic counsellors who have a reasonable base of knowledge in genetic counselling. The passing score is determined through a modified Angoff scoring method. Prior to the exam, the difficulty of each question is assessed to set a target passing score. After the exam, the psychometric data for each question is reviewed and the final passing score is determined. Passing scores typically range from 70-75%.

Reporting of Examination Results

Candidates can expect to receive a copy of their examination results within two months of the examination. Failure to receive results should be reported to the Chairperson of the CBGC. Please notify the Administrative Office of any address or email change.

In order to assist Genetic Counselling Programs evaluate their curriculum and program content, scores will be released to Program Directors under the following guidelines:

  • No personal information will EVER be released.
  • Individual scores will not be released.
  • Data released to Program Directors may include the range, median, and mean scores of program graduates and of all candidates writing the examination. Content specific data may also be provided.
  • Program Directors will be provided with cumulative data every second examination cycle.

Examination Schedule

The certification examination is currently offered annually, but the examination cycle may be altered at the discretion of the CBGC. Details of the next examination, any change in the examination cycle, as well as other pertinent information, will be published on the website.

Examination Location

The examination will be made available at a minimum of two Canadian locations. The availability of additional examination locations, within Canada, will be disclosed to approved candidates and details will be posted on the website.

Once a candidate selects an examination site, no changes will be allowed and an applicant must write the exam at the site selected. If the candidate shows up at another site, they will NOT be allowed to sit the exam and will forfeit one exam cycle.